Friday, August 8, 2008

How To Write A Donation Request Letter


E 'can permanently eradicate the problem of unemployment?
Without taking into account the policy guidelines of a nation, it is certainly useful to follow the virtuous principles, such as economic growth program that is far-sighted thinking about the future. Our sense of economic insecurity depends dall'accorgersi have a disastrous future, so we need to produce and accumulate assets that will remain useful over time and are durable, with the aim of preventing the possible times of crisis. Our economy has ups and downs because it is not foresight. To do so I would take as a model to imitate the ants, which, so as well as bees, are hard-working just because they work for the future, gathering food, and just have that quality of intelligence that a man seems to be missing, in addition to a rational population control. Unemployment can be counteracted by producing and accumulating indefinitely. The question is what is needed and durable, that is, a careful analysis should be relevant to activities that engage, which also takes into account the achieved scientific discoveries and potential.

unemployment is not just more education, culture, professional experience. Who has time, money, and enough patience and selflessness to disseminate and acquire them? In the world there are billions of people and you can not educate everyone. It should be an asset rather easy to learn, that people need to work in agriculture. Agriculture is the only sector that can provide jobs for all, why do not claim the technical expertise which claims instead the industry with its temporary jobs. Agriculture does not necessarily require a university degree and can absorb many unemployed, and consequently many others would have easier opportunities in industry and in the studies, because you can not raise the average level of culture, without first reducing the problem of unemployment that induces many children leave school or choose to address increasingly shorter and occupational rather than more scientific.

In the globalized economic system, poverty, coming from Africa, knocking on our doors, sooner or later sfonderà.
Agriculture can deal effectively with unemployment because they can grow anywhere, that is also in the southern regions from which people emigrated, but requires organization. Agriculture is neglected, because it makes no sense to produce more, but the state could buy what a farmer produces, in order to guarantee a stable income, while requiring the production of preferred products, which can easily sell abroad in countries who suffer from hunger (possibly in exchange for greater military control, because where there is too much population growth there is a greater need for public policy, and a potential outbreak of armed conflict), or produce what you can save and accumulate through the opportunities offered by the science of conservation or who have a higher nutritional value. If you want an economic system based on freedom and the market can not be prevented migration from poor to rich ones weights, and then you have to find solutions to facilitate these movements without creating chaos, preparing to welcome them, perhaps involving an exchange of people (not a bad idea to share with the younger offenders).

Farmers are impaired as people left to themselves, disappointed by their lack of income, so leave the business, attracted by the fixed income of those working in industry or otherwise employed by a pimp or a company, a individual farmer does not always have the ability to form, when it should be a more direct link-state worker. Agriculture
you live in a healthy environment, in contact with nature, but those who live in the country flees, because it remains isolated from the city. This problem is caused by a chaotic road planning, which allows quick and easy transport. I believe that all roads should be constructed following the only the north-south or east-west, ie in the direction of the meridians and parallels of Greenwich. This type of organization
road would also give the farmland development constantly rectangular, easy to manage.

In order to promote industrial growth and per capita wealth is just produce as much as possible, but in order to accumulate and not for the purpose of consuming as much as possible. The current economic system "consumed" is causing a rapid consumption of natural resources such as oil, from which came the industrialization, initially originated from coal, and that has changed our lifestyle so drastically that we have a cognition now very little of rural economy. Nothing will not remain well-being we enjoy. The current economic system, which has had frequent periods of crisis due to a lack of visionary programmatic Involver in a massacre if the science and technology do not introduce alternative sources of energy to replace oil.

Examining the current political and economic system, I would note that in 1929, when there was the severe economic crisis in the U.S., called "Great Depression" has never been resolved, but only temporarily postponed to the future. Why does it happen? The American economy is founded on trade, and if a nation is isolated, not able to accumulate resources, that falls into a state of economic uncertainty. A political system can only be closed economic community, that in it the economic output must be established and collected by the State, only to later be distributed or accumulated, and the Russian Revolution of 1917 created a communist system, as well as the fascist regimes and a Nazi, which is also based on similar principles, even if made more confused by the influence American liberal, so it was nationalist and xenophobic political system, which reduced trade. The United States in '29 with Roosevelt were forced to adopt a nationalist policy similar to that implemented in Russia, made up of large public works projects to occupy the number of unemployed and the establishment of social services and assistance, that the New Deal, and this is communism. Communism would spread throughout Europe and the world, if it was not initially limited by the formation of military regimes ideologically confused as Nazism and fascism, but won in the Second World War. Communism, which is derived from the collapse of the monarchy, is an essential character of the res-publica, and can be extinguished only by restoring the monarchy, whose social model has never really extinguished, that is our social and political ideas then can only be a middle ground.
Both the victory of World War II in '45, both from Since 1930 the discoveries of science and technology, enabling greater industrialization, relying heavily on oil, allow the U.S. to prevail in the world, for which he stood that liberal economic system that had characterized the formation, based on trade and free competition, but in reality only aims to converge all the primary resources in North America, developing the industry where it is more developed, making it rich and thriving industrialization where there is already, not allowing the development of underdeveloped areas, that will always remain underdeveloped, and forced to get rid of all the raw materials available to them, and when they will no longer even, if not return a new "Great Depression" many people will be killed, since this is useless people, no culture, professional experience in order to be absorbed by various industries according to their temporary labor needs, but instead, just because can not do anything and can not learn anything, could instead be used in agricultural activities. Freedom is a different way to eliminate too many people, not with the death penalty or in concentration camps, but with a different expertise, so that while a drug addict in a despotic state is locked up in prison but forced to detoxify, in a democratic nation of sensitive, caring people like ours, but it is left free and encouraged to continue doing so until he committed suicide.
Our political system is that economic falsely caring and sensitive to human rights, because in reality imposes misery to the poor through a system competition based on free competition, actually rigged from the start. The capitalist system is not a production system that is capable of providing for the needs of all flights, and even their own future, that is incapable of preventing sudden periods of crisis. The economic law is founded on a market economy and that is that the supply must equal demand, it is a silly rule that looks only needs of this without much foresight. There is a proverb that says local farmers Puglia "collect water when it rains," that you can not restrict the production and therefore the presence of a supply and demand in a market with intense trading activity. China, with the recent participation in the global market, thanks to its state capitalism, has an ideal production system, and will become a development model for all nations. The Great American Depression is a problem remained unsolved, because all the peoples of the South of the world live and have always lived, and also shows an increasingly worrying phenomenon: that of unemployment, however, in my opinion is perfectly explained and its solution in agriculture and production of essential goods and durable and works for the same. Agriculture is the only sector that can absorb more labor and is not intended as unlimited as is the culture or experience of the various factories. To eradicate poverty are not enough skills, culture and experiences. And who has time, money, and enough patience and altruism to spread? In the world there are too many people and you can not educate everyone. It should rather make the people work in agriculture. Agriculture is the only sector that can provide jobs for all, because culture is not necessary, nor all those many experiences that provisional claims industry.


The State should encourage the development of businesses with this goal, tackle unemployment by requiring everyone to work without worrying if there is overproduction by following the economy stupid laws market, in fact, aiming precisely sovrapprodurre, as long as they produce useful goods and durable (I make an example that seems trivial to cultivate cereals and pulses, which are more durable agricultural products). The farms must be maximally productive, bearing in mind that the reorganization should be continuous, and have as their model of development companies more productive. L 'agriculture the leading sector, and basic economic development, and that it also follows the development of urban and industrial. It requires a continuous re-organization and mechanization and the people will flee just because it does not.

In the past, when agriculture was the main productive sector, there arose the problem of unemployment, they have not put limits productivity, and in fact the peasants were the most prolific, having many children because they did not mean to have unemployed workers in the future but rather more.
In order to achieve greater agricultural development must be rationalized systems of production, harvesting and distribution, expanding markets accelerating traffic to export more and more away, turn food into products more durable. The wealth of a nation increases with trade and exports, but when this is not possible, you have to produce essential materials and durable goods, so the example I used to grow cereals and pulses. It should produce as much as possible, even when you can not sell anything, as long as it is of essential goods, which do not expire after a short time for it to be a certainty for the economic future. You can not leave a vacant lot, or a spare machine in a factory, as you can not leave many unemployed young people, at the height of their physical vigor. And so as you can not allocate land to a few specific crops because they become unproductive, so a worker can not be used for a few specific tasks, because it becomes unproductive as a car now technologically outdated. In Puglia, the management of the land or is entrusted to families who work and live in the countryside. It seems to me unavoidable that we must also live in the country, but I think that would rely on more productive land to very large farms, and housing in rural areas are assigned to seasonal workers. The current unlimited division of the land, has fueled a construction chaos that makes it impossible to extend the use of mechanized earth, reducing productivity. Even as the crops farm, I think that we should prefer the cultivation of the most useful and productive and to avoid monocultures, as the olive and the vine, preferring to seasonal crops, allowing for a renewal of the land in agricultural use, as well as a greatest possible genetic improvement plants. In our capitalist economic system companies are developing thanks to the "consumerism", that is to produce and earn more, also cause people to waste, that is, do not hesitate to take full advantage of all available natural resources, nor without worrying of all nor of the future. In our economic system, the state should promote a smooth and orderly development of enterprises. If people move too much to work it is clear that there is no organization. To tackle unemployment, we need a more uniform and equitable distribution of production sources throughout. In a free market system, companies are formed and instead develop in a variety of locations, so you move too much to go to work, and then if you have to work for limited periods of time, such a chaotic distribution of opportunities work leads to the recruitment of immigrants who are on-site, perhaps even illegally, they become immediately available, perhaps with lower wages and unregulated trade union. To fight unemployment, it is necessary to grow the business through a restructuring and re-organization. So as you can not build a new building without demolishing the old one, so you can not build new businesses, without redoing the existing ones. Companies are reconstructed through a process of nationalization and privatization made alternately, using more frequently when expropriation is possible to produce more. I think it important that businesses are aggregated in order to enlarge, and if they are not able to be expropriated, because if a firm s'ingrandisce loses competitiveness. Privatize state-owned but then again, is a strategy which bring it back to productivity, to be managed by those who have greater opportunities to those who can introduce innovation. Unemployment, school is the first company from which to begin the career of a man, and should lead to a job. Each title in school curriculum should be the same as a work activity, and if you do not want that everyone has a job they would like enough that the study school, especially science, would be rewarded, even with the simplest incentive economic, that is a meal in a school canteen. Science is important for technological progress and economic development of a nation and if the study is not premitato, no one will engage in producing scientific knowledge. Unemployment must be separated the reason why the work you are paid, that you should not precede the money to ideals, but you have to work and produce even if the market does not buy what is produced, provided that it is essential, useful and durable. If the market undervalues \u200b\u200band does not buy what we produce, not to say that the production must be stopped. Who reads what I write, for example, will say that is worth nothing: it is a reason why it should no longer write?!
have hobbies and cultivate them, until they become potential sources of income, because you can learn something through a wider dissemination of traditional culture, helping to prevent and defend against a likely condition of future unemployment.

control immigration
If an immigrant can enter, they immediately get another thousand. There are many others waiting. It 'an unstoppable flow and progressive, taking advantage of liberal economic laws of market economy, but it undermines, declaring the victory of communism. A state has its own territorial limits and must organize their productive resources in proportion to the territory at its disposal, ensuring an equitable distribution of businesses in the area, why should not there be even migratory movements within the same nation. Excessive movement of migration is the result of an organized chaos of a democratic political system, in which freedom comes from having open borders, so anyone can enter or leave the state. Immigrants should instead return them to where they are and create jobs there. The Italians did not work but should instead be favored in the movements in the area, with free transport and accommodation. Immigration must oppose banning the recruitment of foreign labor even at the cost to derail a business. If it appears that immigrants are more willing to play the Italians the toughest jobs, you're wrong. An immigrant is not exploited, but it enjoys the same opportunities for all. In our culture there is slavery. If it is true that there are more heavy work and humble, if anything, they should be imposed on prisoners, since the prisons seem to have become centers for the psycho-physical, and that many offenders live in freedom because the prisons are too expensive to build new ones. Italians do not carry out certain tasks, considered heavy, just because in the chaotic organization of the work of our economic system, are forced to move too, that the error is in the fact that companies, in a free market system, are formed and develop in ways and places as varied and you move too much to go to work, to work for limited periods of time, and a chaotic distribution of job opportunities, leads to the recruitment of people lying on the spot, maybe even illegally, it is immediately available, perhaps with lower wages and unregulated trade union. If it is true that foreigners are fleeing despotic regimes, it is true, if anything, that evil must be resolved at the origin in their countries of origin, with a greater international military control, aimed at peace. If you really want to allow immigration, foreigners, if anything, should first fulfill the obligation of military service, as it was imposed a few years ago to all young Italians, and then be used in the military forces necessary to ensure peace world and even in their own countries. Proliferate despotic regimes abroad, as well as governments ignoring the well-being economic of the people, but especially neglect. In Africa, people are reproducing like rabbits, when they play should be especially rationed. Immigration is the result of economic growth disorganized, who can not be homogeneous but concentrated in some regions, and must oppose banning the recruitment of foreign labor even if it meant to derail the company but at the same time creating new firms in poor regions, from which the immigrants come from. The uncertainty for the future following the opening of the borders of a democratic political system, resulting in unlimited potential immigration, leads Italians to aspire to positions of employment as stable as possible. The Italians are no longer willing to carry out certain activities, just because in the chaotic organization of the work increases more and more, are forced to move too, that the error is in the fact that companies, in a free market system, are formed and develop in ways and places as varied and you move too much to go to work, to work for limited periods of time.

Set priorities' PRODUCTION

giving priority to agriculture, then put in second place less emphasis on industry and service sector trade, which should involve itself more women, and the tourism and crafts which should occupy the elderly, but avoiding to leave the world unchanged by time, locked in a picturesque location of other times only for a contemplative end tourism. The nostalgia of the past due to retrogression.

new labor contracts

ABOLISHED CONTESTS competitions should reward those who are eligible. All competitors have an equal right to a place and therefore the period of work performance should be divided equally among the eligible, through innovative employment contracts, or contracts or fixed-term employment and which is of indefinite duration, slopes down towards the part-time, or may be transferable to other, which would make the statutory recommendation. In reality competitions should be abolished altogether because it is not permissible for the State to study the youth in public school, and then leave them with a title that they do not have to get a job directly, forcing them to investigate further during the competitions, forgetting that this also implies economic costs, a waste of time and energy. The employee should be then divided among all persons on, and if it causes economic hardship, each one can integrate it with other secondary activities, it must not be prevented from conducting a second job. There must be workers with more rights than others, but the unemployment must be equal share to all. Deploy multiple equally and to all employment opportunities, through increased fragmentation and distribution activities which do not require experience. Dismiss should not be construed as punishment. No one should be unemployed, but you only need to reduce waste and excess, allowing and encouraging other activities that they can play simultaneously, working to meet the personal aspirations. The companies themselves may organize other activities to do in your spare time, with training and education and services for which incoragggiare workers spend or should spend their free time.

with hours of work vary. Why would a company be more productive, you can turnificare working hours, so you can work at night, as this would occur more quickly. In this way, you could also use many times the DST, ie the people verrbbe induced to get up at dawn, wasting less electricity.

Today increase retirees, but also the retirement age. Young people are studying or unemployed, child labor is banned, women do office tasks, but then who is really working? who is available to conduct activities heavier? Instead of asking how to work more all, we must ask ourselves how to make the work less stressful. For example, young people, including children, especially when school is not productive, they may accompany their parents on farms, which then could take place gradually and replace them regularly, as if the place was for one person, but in reality played by several people the same. And also can be associated with work and study, work and leisure, as many like to travel abroad, you could organize the foreign work, including for the purpose of being able to learn as English. In a society where all have fled from their duty to work, it is useful to propose voluntary activities. As gets to love a job that nullifies our expectations, which is not compatible with our attitudes, which deprives our energies and our time? Reducing working hours. To love your work must also live in perfect harmony with their colleagues, because the job is almost always a team effort. It should then work with a group of people that you are equals, in order to work in perfect harmony, a spirit of cooperation, united by a spirit of friendship and understanding, which, for example, to that end, the phenomenon of recommendation acquires a valid reason, since there through the recommendation of friends and family around you, that is, people with whom you can work better and more. The recommendation is a more complex problem, however, that there can be no right and wrong. In order to give continuity to its work, because you can not live forever, you also need to find someone else to give it away, able to replace them.
WITH INCENTIVES Why not make the job even with the privileges, because it makes no sense for an employee to work more, while being paid more, if that does not allow him to satisfy the ambitions and other work attitudes. In 700, during the regime of absolute monarchy in France, the function of money was minimal. He was required to contribute to the construction of public works and the activities of agricultural estates. Because of course everyone was trying to escape, they thought the money as an incentive, since the money could now be done with simple paper. As was also collected, through taxes, to the people themselves, this system not only increases productivity, but also changed the political system, as it also caused the fall of the privileges of those who, like the aristocracy, the people abused, drawing too easily public resources of the Treasury. The people who were not prepared to allow the money raised through taxes would be spent on supporting the petty vices of the aristocracy, took the opportunity to lead a revolution.
with greater transparency, information and participation in work organization. Dedication to work is reduced when the workers are involved in activities that do not know the purpose and usefulness, which is programmed without being informed about the objectives to be achieved. The relationship between politicians and people must be increased and continuous, so that the people be informed and then given a share of what is being carried out. To this end, it should be disseminated through radio and TV political debates, on an ongoing basis, both local and national, and to this end I would like to highlight as the best example of the popular Radical Radio.

Save time and avoid unnecessary waste.
There are many ways to avoid wasting time. One of these is the possibility to do it more quickly if the management of production activities is well organized, and also can do multiple tasks simultaneously, even integrating them. Idleness should not be interpreted as not wanting to do anything, but as you can not do what you want. In order to reduce waste and time, an idea would be to pay for the work not only with money but also with cheap goods and services: why, for example, cause a loss of time searching the house, when I can find the company or cause a loss of time for cooking at home, when you can arrange a meal in a canteen public company, and so street, organizing common form in those activities that a worker brings in private, in order to make them immediately accessible. If it is true that salaries are losing value, it is also true that after having increased, the government takes everything simply by increasing taxes or government spending, so the strike is an instrument of protest useless, a waste of time, which reduces productivity . Workers should rather impose a reduction of the salaries of executives, as this only leads to a reduction in labor costs and inflation. Workers are bullies as their manager, as demonstrated by the "bullying" or "hazing", as they are in fact deeply selfish: the action of trade unions does not care because of who is unemployed, suggesting an increase in labor costs and thus inflation. The labor problem is also the result of family crisis so we need to experiment with different models of cohabitation by her family, because when you form a company, should be taken with a lot of people bound together by feelings of friendship also. Make possible opportunities for co-existence and cohabitation, far from family, would allow companies to meet the workforce of workers living in different cities, as they must also provide an opportunity for community meals and lodging. The immigrants, instead of having to live among the waste because they save, should be housed in shelters, and proposed, serving local businesses. Having to spend money to have to live in rent in a distant city, it can make inconvenient to take advantage of a job, and in effect encouraged the immigration of people of all backgrounds, so willing to work at any cost, whereas the development of companies should promote the acquisition of local labor, and the only way you can solve the problem of unemployment. The unemployment problem will never be solved if you allow too many migratory movements, because the problems of economic organization are also associated with those of political organization: it can migrate be (a tool) synonymous with military occupation. What job will our unemployed young people, if they see that the job that it was for them, is occupied by an alien?

population control
The organization of economic resources to provide programming and also population growth. One can not avoid the necessity of reproduction, and you wonder how you can reduce the population growth, without reducing the overall working capacity of a population. While in the past caused some wars, which were used to reduce the population, to allow a revival after a large thinning. And now what happens instead? In any political system, even ours, there is a different method to eliminate people. In the Nazi system, as in Stalin's communist system, selection of species was organized by the State, through the imposition of the death camps, and further biological man would have been entrusted to the bio-computer engineering. In our capitalist system, criminals are left free, so for example a murderess can only be considered a mental patient in need of care. The relentless and continuous flow of immigrants, which characterizes our liberal economic system, causing economic uncertainty, also results in a lower population growth, so paradoxically, the rich countries are also less prolific.


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