Saturday, July 31, 2010

Relic Of Eternity Great Pyramid Sims 3


The efficiency of the government of a state is proportional to the extent that it is communist activities that are nationalized, and others that should be privatized, but then having to nationalize them. The need to privatize is caused by a greater need for autonomy and freedom to be able to trade with foreign nations, and win a competition with larger companies, why do not you have the ability to zoom in pursuing a major territorial expansion, by failing to more powerful weapons, but if a communist state is governed diligently to become a role model. Neither made sense in the USSR combat religious beliefs, or keep people confined within national borders as a prison. With the USSR was made a social organization that can not be considered the only possible form of communist state. In the organization of a State has a great influence population growth, so for example, a state like the USSR, to be perfect, should have been a place of purity. No one seems to give importance to those who are becoming numerically.

The intention to build new nuclear plants is idiotic, justified only by a possible ulterior motive, like that of Berlusconi for personal financial gain or the possibility of possessing nuclear weapons. And 'maybe convenient modernize only those that are there. Nuclear power plants can not give to a nation that does not have uranium, energy independence, because having to buy uranium, it remains dominated by a continuous increase in prices, and 'preferably with the same money and buy or accumulate uranium, provided that there is always someone willing to sell it directly energy. In the future, when the uranium shortage, those who possess it, use it to their unique needs. Only those who can produce uranium, has reason to build nuclear power plants. You should rather invest in scientific research on cold fusion, a scientific discovery with great potential, or the possibility of producing electricity with systems that Nikola Tesla had proposed (see this VIDEO), as well as in energy photovoltaics. Photovoltaic panels and mirrors, could be of all buildings.

Oil has enabled the current economic and industrial development but has also filled the world with all kinds of waste and the air filled with carbon dioxide. Many of today's cars and factories will probably not be converted for the sole use of electric motors, and many of the existing industrial products will no longer be realized when oil is over.
But it is possible to produce oil? is producing hydrocarbons from a possbile any substance of organic origin? As well as subjecting the graphite high pressures can be obtained diamonds, so all organic substances, can be transformed into hydrocarbons when subjected to chemical reactions that cause the rupture of molecular bonds for some other Favorin, so for example if the water flows out the sewers in deep fields oil-drained and abandoned mines, long after re-formed oil, which is close enough organic waste in closed containers and subjecting them to high pressure and temperature to obtain fuel molecules. Carbon is that a thermal energy storage, so you should not think that all excrement and rotting substances are trivial. An organic compound in any closed container and strong enough, rotting and original methane, which increases the internal gas pressure, and accelerates the molecular composition of fuels of various kinds. Were in fact made reactors to produce biogas which exploit the decomposition of waste. Read in Wiipedia: BIOGAS

DRUG Addicts should be imprisoned, and set their detoxification. This is what should be done from an early age and then the solution is in a different method of education, in a public school less forgiving.

Currently when you get sick, we turn to a general practitioner. Why not save time and seek medical advice we consider most appropriate? Each patient should be able to inform on the results achieved by the doctor to whom it applies, for example, and know the professional. When choosing a doctor, there is imposed, it can not know anything, when in reality you should publish everything and then be able to inform on their experiences, their successes and mistakes, and further documents can be consulted by patients.

While esistevani mental hospitals until 1970, when, who considered being ill, was locked up and isolated, but now is left to itself, while psychologists and psychiatrists are simply useless and harmful outpatient visits, calling this long and unnecessary therapeutic methodology "Psycho-analysis."
If those who suffer from psychological disorders, creates disorder in which people live together, or is disturbed, he must be allowed the possibility of separation, and to that end should be no community, where you can download. Not mental, but schools in which to live by their own free choice, to regain their social integration.

'priority to raise awareness and educate people so that more actively involved in waste separation, and this may be taking in the public service of waste collection, through a strong work strictly temporary as well as in volunteer activities that should not be designed as a free service, but be rewarded by working holiday periods or otherwise.
To reduce the volume of waste should be greater differentiation and thus have places where you can trash wood, books, magazines, radio, TV, refrigerators, and recycling of these materials may also be entrusted to their retailers and manufacturers.
rotting organic waste that can be used to produce organic fertilizer, if cleverly divided, using biodegradable bags, you can throw in as many mini-dumps, without the need for proper establishment provides storage.

In Italy any moron that would build a nice lot of people can become a politician. We need a different type of selection. If one should apply in politics must obtain the approval of a Superior Council reviewing the intelligence.

The fact that Berlusconi has accumulated the power attained by means illegal, not a sufficient reason to depose him, provided it is also capable of doing something useful for others and for himself. But it is fair to have a super-rich man in Italy? It is certain that Italy has to compete with the rest of the world where there are undoubtedly higher powers. Berlusconi, like any other billionaire, a man is reckless and can not be otherwise. Berlusconi's power derives from the principle that "the end justifies the means", and not possible that Berlusconi could decide to make better use of power reached and if the ideas and the great public works can not be achieved otherwise, in its place if the opposition would not be able to do more and better, rather than remain fragmented in many small parties with politicians from the more divergent opinions. The right to oppose the power leads to governments formed which decay rapidly, and that can only leave it unchanged, rather than better. Berlusconi to dismiss the opposition parties should find themselves a great unity of programs, for example to stand for election in a single party. Before changing a government, we must ask first if you can do better, but not simplistic to stay in alternative programs, such as the demagogic propose more public spending in one area than in another, in order to gain the votes of a certain social class larger, without concern to design more intelligent solutions to those implemented. Basically, in order to complain less, we need to find a place where there is what we complain, but to change things, we need to find a place where you can be heard and make something would be the place to start .

E 'can achieve a state in which, while being democratic, there are many parties from more divergent opinions? Why not have at least one region where there can only be communism, and they can move all those who want communism? Why not let the ruling Communist Party in one region, abolished only in this, any possibility of opposition, and do the exact opposite in the remaining regions and invited to move to those of different opinions? In other words, you divide the territory according to political differences, so that they cease to exist.

Karl Marx communism founded on the principle that the property, which is a source of economic production, must be public and managed by the State. It also focuses on the disturbing presence of the Church in Charters, abolishing religion with the famous motto "Religion is the opium of the people." This conflict was inevitable and was possibly caused by the fact that priests seem to be parasites. The communist model does not consider that the company develops from the family, namely the role of population growth in economic organization. The organization of productive sources of wealth production is in fact a well-defined number of people, and goes into some difficulty when you play immeasurably while others waste. Marx instead say that "religion is the opium of the people" would rather say that "sex is the opium of the people" and then in an economic system highly organized, be able to play only a few people, as well as allowing gene cloning to get the oldest and most intelligent people ever. A Marxist state
cosiffatto remember much a Franciscan monastery, where everything is common property and is also limited to sexuality. If men lived chastely, would reduce the need to produce, because it would reduce wastage and its causes, as is sex, which causes several problems, not only because welfare. Is not free.

democracy often becomes just a collection of chaotic parties, where everyone wants to control and dominate others. And 'that is stupid to oppose the power unwisely, for the sole purpose to make it weaker, and offer themselves. A political leader can not be removed continuously. Who wants to replace a political leader, or risk ending up with a new government unable and worse than the previous year, must make their own the same capacity precessore. . If the power of the ruler depended only by the people, this would be unmanageable: the leader must have a power greater than that of those who are subordinate. That is the power of a political leader should not be achieved by the people, but from someone who is superior and only later submitted for the approval of the people, for confirmation. The people did not give anything. That democracy is largely a finzione.Per which, in a democracy such as Italy, it governs with the assistance of the Mafia and with a team of killers available. Governs who has a more powerful weapon, because it is also indicative of a greater scientific progress.

- The state should select and promote the development of companies depending on the quality of their products, rather than just let the market do so through open competition.

- Two different political systems could be realized in different locations, separating those who prefer one or the other through a forced transfer.

- The liberal regime gives everyone a chance not to work. The communist regime did not. In both cases, but will miss the opportunity or the desire to work if you work without there being identified in the ruling party.

- The sense of belonging to an ethnic group, a sense of fatherland, xenophobia, stem from the occupation of a territory, and being isolated within it, and this leads to a major internal political unity, which leads to having a single leader who is identified in only one desire: that of the people and vice versa.
The existence of different political boundaries is due to having been opened.
The intention to conquer neighboring peoples, was in reality an inability to recognize and respect the individuality of the same neighboring peoples, whom they wanted to impose their organization. The military aggression was directed towards those people who lacked internal political unity. Democracy, namely the participation of all nations to international associations, the ability of all of trasferirisi abroad, comparing the people, and creates conditions for conflict are not formed. What is the meaning of a state border?
If it exists, but at the same time be freely crossed, will form a division of thought.

- The Communists come to expect the state to care for them.
that should happen that the State take care of the poor. That is, the Warsaw Pact would have to encompass only the poorest countries, starting with those in Africa.

- Do not give anything more if you do not use what you already have.

- Bureaucracy will increase even more if the hierarchy is set in the internal organization of public institutions, makes it possible to get rich.

- The recommendations have even the slightest reason.
A job transferable to children, educated by their parents, reduce the need for further professional education.

- Communism claims that all are given the same economic opportunities, but not all empre deserve this opportunity, or they know to use.
Wealth can only be an individual achievement, that is you can not always make it immediately possible for all.
If it were not allowed to have more, nobody is committed to do more.
Communism and capitalism are two different systems to produce wealth, but both have their good motivational I think it is possible to implement them simultaneously through a more clear and full of human nature and its institutions.

- To produce more wealth often requires a different or more equitable distribution of wealth, or giving the sources of production to someone else with better business skills, or through greater distribution of wealth that is nothing but an opportunity society.
Wealth increases if one is able to put aside money, raising the sense of living in different ideals.

- In America reigns tolerance, but not a real condition of freedom. See 'intolerance of the communist ideology, toward blacks. Because it has never had a woman president? Freedom is a condition limited to America.

- A political exercises its power through its own army or police force. But his power has its limits in this: those who defend its officers, anjche if they rebel? All, therefore, in the exercise of power, we use a compressed, to an alliance: you can not be enemies of all. Even the man more violent and cruel has a friend, and if not would not have power but it would be meaningless and would be forgotten. The idea of \u200b\u200ba nuclear war, although it is fully required, as would destroy all, it is not feasible.

- Who won the war, was able to suppress the views of his opponents. Those who cause war is a man who does not love the discussions, is a man who does not love the world's understanding and use of reason in the management of a territory.

- The most important political office for the severity of judgments assigned to them, should preferably be left to scientists of genius with extensively confirmed.

- A To deal with the political leaders of many things, can not be surrounded by colleagues, also a delegate to them considerable freedom of action if he does not want to stop. However it may also have control over all, merely stating the general guidelines. 'S why that rule does not even need to be the leader of a nation if you have the option to forward all their ideas and conditioned.

- A politician must be judged on the political activity and not for his private life. We are also able to make judgments on privacy, especially if we are not better. We can not judge the whole of a man. Curious people are motivated only by the desire to take advantage others, to rob them. A man whose private life can be the subject of the curiosity of all, is a man injured in their rights, and that is likely to be private. If everyone knew what the other has in the bank, you could make it more easily accessible to identity thieves. A politically important, however, should not preclude their private life to the press because they know more, you have more chance to make friends, and also to be improved by others in their errors.

- The law must be respected even by those who make it, because it will be imitated. Who does not respect the law, is shown not to have understood the function, so can not take on to sit in Parliament. If you dodge the law, sooner or later everyone will do the same. Before you judge, you could just give him time to repent and take actions to repair, change the law so that it no longer possible to repeat the same mistakes.

- You can earn more by working less and learning to spend less.
Spending less does not mean producing less, that is for a State to have a lower GDP, and therefore be less rich, since production will certainly towards something new, more interesting, because no one likes to be really useless and do nothing.

- Machiavelli argued that a state needs only a just and virtuous prince. If this it is true, just that you are under any of its citizens and that they cultivate it, because everyone around him, he remains unaffected.

- It 's possible to govern without being able to have a military power? There is a state without borders, without an army and that will never be attacked militarily? If it exists, will become very very very poor. And that is what is happening to the democratic countries of immigration.
Meanwhile, this process is completed, we can say the democratic elections are a farce, to no avail, because those in power (especially military) to govern a state, it also requires, and does so secretly, by organized crime and this type of policy is called "Mafia." We can also call political terrorism, that simple physical elimination of opponents, or those which may affect the stability of its power. And 'this was the method of our ex-leader Andreotti.

- In a democracy, freedom of speech allows us to speak ill of our politicians, but this only increases the number, because you do not need to remove them from their office, but only to create new parties.

- A state that seeks to have the most powerful weapons in order to win a war, must also have more intelligence, it must foster a culture, especially math and scientific, which can not be philosophical, and thus lead to a plurality of political opinions.
The plurality of political thought is not due to the ability to manage a nation or a territory in a different way, namely with or communism or capitalism. The plurality of thought is rather due to a waiver of the intellectual, so we are led to exploit, and there is even enough, what has been said and written by others, such as Karl Marx and Declares us in this case communism, when Instead, communism is not enough.

The Italian Constitution defines the work is a right that a duty (art. 4). For compliance with this law, should be that all companies were state owned. We live in an employment relationship is that a single employee. The organization of work in a free market system requires that an asset may also be independent. There are people waiting for someone else to tell him what to do, but there are also people who, having acquired or in having the opportunity to acquire the necessary experience, can become independent or take a leadership role. An unemployed should not be forced to start over, because the have become unemployed due to the fact that his firm went bankrupt, could not have all the necessary resources, and would have had to resort to greater collaboration. Who carries out an employment so precarious, it will grow ever since being forced to change jobs and move several times, he spends everything he earns, for example to pay rent for a house. An employee can be enriched only when its activity becomes stable and therefore also of the hierarchical framework directive in which he works, that is, only those in power is enhanced.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Driving On An Expired License With Military

banner hanging against the pass Corese

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How To Put On A Slave Bracelet?

Flyer Logistics Centre Pass Corese (Ri)


Step Corese June 2010: an unknown hand breaks with an inscription in red letters indifference around the construction site of the Logistics Centre, the Industrial Development Area (ASI) under construction near the Metro station. "Logistics hub SABINA CANCER - THE EARTH CRIES" reads a cry in spray format which is noticed by the hundreds of motorists and commuters who spend every day for Ternana. A week after the writing disappears under a coat of paint silent in its place is a troupe of Rai, arrived at the construction site to interview the promoters of the work, to hear the opinion of the Superintendence of Archaeological Heritage (other studies confirm the presence of important remains in place) and to give voice to opponents of the project, a large group of ecologists. While the journalist behind the bulldozers digging at full capacity, is yet another string of arguments in defense of work in progress: development opportunities for companies, and many good jobs for young people, economic and social growth of ' area ... in other words, money for all, an exploit of optimism and confidence that, in times of global economic crisis, perhaps not even concede a certain "Mr B". But yeah, basically just about stretches of olive trees uprooted, a hill flattened and six million cubic meters (about four times the "built" Pass Corese) industrial buildings 15 meters high to make the tip of the Sabine diamond cargo traffic in central Italy.
Mica peanuts, what's to complain? Why oppose this real "genius"?
From modest observers, the mere thought of giving rise to 200 acres of warehouses and parking lots at the opening designed by a famous olive valley and soft pastures, it seems crazy, ruining a landscape in which the conditions exist for further investment in rural tourism and agriculture, organic farming and eco monster of that size is incomprehensible to us, poisoned by increasing an ecosystem movement of heavy vehicles, and training new generations in hazardous occupations and low cultural importance it seems irresponsible to Orte Capena because we do not see nothing but empty warehouses, rented, sold, unused and objectively, ugly (not to mention the Nucleo Industriale di Rieti, reduced to a village sewer rats). This is not to be "catastrophic" or have a vision of "apocalyptic", just look around: increasingly hollow gut that more and more trucks on hills and narrow winding streets, more and more land consumed by business and less and less wilderness and live in a succession of craft areas, a shopping and residential areas alike. The metropolitan periphery advances, devours the landscape and its features, homologous lives and fills the pockets of a few businessmen.
We are sure that there is a better way to "revitalize" the economy of Rieti? We think of it, knowing that they live in a beautiful and different, full of wisdom and culture of the country, rich in opportunities for sustainable development of economy and "clean" food first. But we also know that this generous and quiet is becoming increasingly tempting building speculators and speculators, people unwilling to care for the fate of their ventures, which, not infrequently, they start with great promise of redemption and progress to end up in social and environmental disasters, in spite of the logical most elementary respect for the land and its natural resources.

We appeal to children, workers, ordinary people, to any association, group of friends, school class, band music, theater company, with sensitivity to all people and want to say in its freedom and sharing: let's talk, informiamoci, organize meetings, debates, performances, activities of any kind to oppose the creation ASI and reckless.
to resign and not complain after the fact ...



promote the beauty, not the goods!

incoordination Disharmonious Sabino
Movement Cementale Betonificante
Scomitato Sgarruppato Terrafondaio

To download the flyer in PDF format: 420660869/bozza_appello_no_asi.pdf

Monday, July 5, 2010

High And Soft Cervix During Period. Why?

Well Done ... Congratulation! Almost Thirty

seems like yesterday that I made an appointment for an interview at the International School of Comics, was on July three years ago ...
I was working on a farm where they produced stickers for Motocross, a very stable job, he earned good ... I thought I could make a career ... but it did not happen.
I left because I wanted to create me a job I really liked ... crisis to crisis after all the work of the cartoonist is not much different from many other events being underpaid, and believe me there are many ... and I've tried on my skin. Now I'm here, after three years of design, knowledge, experience that I went through the streets at various intersections have come at the beginning of a climb, now depends on how I want to deal with ...
The final exam last week saw me on the scaffold in front of Lorenzo Bartoli where looking at my table found alternations crazy, almost looked like two different designs. Well, between the tables "happy" and boards made "almost annoys me that" I think I will take my "wailing wall" in my drawing boards happy.

Changes , for those not familiar, is a song by Tupac Shakur, American singer who died in the murderous war in the famous 96 East / West Coast. This song is
scope of the work done by Francesco "Ausonia" Ciampi for the final exam at the International School of Comics.

If you've never heard you do it ... and do not know if you read his words.