Monday, January 21, 2008

Vba Pokemon Trading With Yourself Mac

Time Management, to manage the life

Time is money, says an old saying. Today, the time is worth even more.

Money comes and goes, you know, time once lost never returns. It 's why we must be masters and not schiavi.E' question to decide and take responsibility for our lives. Responsibility means above all to have the ability to respond and realize that our decisions and actions will have consequences.

In a world that moves faster and faster, which is always changing and requires more effort we must take possession of what we monitor and do not disperse our efforts on what outside our control. Many of us plan the their day and their projects accurately. We have very clear priorities and in the morning so we put ourselves on track to have the results we want. Then

events overwhelm us, emergencies take control of everything we do. In the evening we review our list only to realize that very little has been done. With great determination, we promise to be more effective the next day and start again from scratch. Nothing, even the day after the world overwhelms us and our motivation fades slowly until we resign ourselves to living in an emergency.

What's wrong?

determination that will not change anything but method, our perception, the paradigm. Einsten said that today's problems can not be solved with the same level of thinking where we were when we were creati.In other words reinvetare ourselves and this does not mean attitude change or become more resolute. To really change we must change the way we perceive the world and how we understand the time, our relationship with it and how we relate to other people at this time riguardo.Il is fair. Treat everyone equally, everyone has 24 hours to spare, rich and poor, educated and uneducated, blacks and whites. We can not do anything about it is a fact.

Manage your time does not mean being able to do more, "trap" more things to be more efficienti.Non and multiply it to complete more projects, it is to be effective, in other words do the important things. And there's a huge difference. Many people know what is really important, I know that people are aware of this but I say "there's no way I can do this." Well the answer is simple in one way or another the results vedranno.Negli business and the work we are all inclined to pay attention to the results, should be the same in your personal life. If we have a limited amount of money spent for sure the most important things, because by the time we use another method? Often the paradigm or the perception the world does not help us. Some think it's more important to be more efficient to do things and do them well, the secret is instead of doing the right things. Stephen Covey says that efficiency is climbing the ladder fast, effective and ensure that the ladder is on the right wall. Research carried out in the U.S. showed that over half the population admits to wasting more than 25% of their time, 25% of people are wasting more than 50%. These data indicate to us how we need to be clear what is really importante.Leadership is not power, or what we do, leadership is character, integrity, principles, conta.Quasi know what we all know what is important with mind, but often follow the emotions of the moment. Often we deal with more urgent things, though less important, to free ourselves and have more peace of mind for the rest but we get to have time for that matter and we are overburdened with emergencies. We simply must learn to distinguish what counts.

Many of our activities are in four categories: important and urgent, important, not urgent, important but not urgent and not important and not urgent.

1. URGENT AND IMPORTANTIProblemi pressantiProblemi pressantiRiunioniScadenze upcoming

2. NOT IMPORTANT URGENTIPianificazioneChiarificare goals / valoriCostruire relationships with collaborators / clientiRicreazione sanaEsercizio fiscicoLeggere

3. NOT URGENT IMPORTANTIInterruzioni continueRelazioni not necessarieTelefonate, mail, meetings not necessarieProblemi others of small importance

4. NOT URGENT AND NOT IMPORTANTITelevisionePosta, telefonante inutiliAttività pure distrazionePettegolezzi the coffee machine

Anthony Robbins adds another name to these categories, namely:
· not urgent and not important: size of the distraction;
· urgent but not important dimension of waste;
also an important city and urgent: the size of the application;
· Important but not urgent: dimension of satisfaction. The ideal is precisely

focus their activities and energies on the dial to point two to automatically reduce the first, losing the third as much as possible to pass only the bare essentials in the fourth. According to the study done in the highly successful U.S. companies invest more than 50% of their time in the second quadrant.

Here are the results:
1. URGENT AND IMPORTANTIAziende successful 20/25% 25/30% Other
2. NOT IMPORTANT URGENTIAziende successful
65/80% Other 15% 3. NOT URGENT IMPORTANTIAziende successful
50/60% 15% Other 4. NOT URGENT AND NOT IMPORTANTIAziende successful less than 1% Other 2 / 3%

You might think that we are a po'idealisti, and say the truth a bit 'we siamo.Ovviamente the passage of time in quadrant one, because not always do what we have planned in quadrant two go as planned, and in any case we can never anticipate everything. But I can assure you that if you start to think differently by focusing on the dial will spend two much less time under stress and respond to emergencies. It takes a lot of courage, patience and perseverance. Sometimes we feel like wasting time but in reality we are investing for a high return in quantity qualità.Datevi space to breathe and live more happily. What are the things that you could easily delegate? Learn to take care only of what is important and worry (take care in advance) of what is not urgent but it will become.

's a new way of thinking and above all to act. If you take this decision will change your life. The quality of your work will increase considerably and the people around you will notice this at the point of being fascinated and influenced and who knows you might even help someone else do the same.

Good job!

Claudio Belotti
Anthony Robbins Trainer

Guycrusing Places Ub Mumbai

Anthony Robbins: The peer group

The Yes! Group is an opportunity for growth, motivation, opportunity to learn and attend people interested in improving the quality of all walks of life. They invited people following courses with the School of Anthony Robbins, and the meeting is open to supporters of the personal and professional growth of other schools. The meetings of the Yes! Group exist in all countries in the world. The organization NOT 'FOR PROFIT . Participants log on to the meeting for free.

What is yes! Group?

The primary objective of Yes! Group is to assist members to maintain their momentum, to be what Tony calls the seventh power, or the institutional peer group. It is a place of encouragement, celebration and achievement of objectives.
Create the seventh power:

- Encouragement
- Achieving goals
- Celebration

If properly managed the group recreates the atmosphere and energy of a live event! Apart from that, have fun and know a lot of extraordinary people with whom you can keep in touch! Establish a Yes! Group is very rewarding and can have interesting effects. An enriched curriculum and really enhances your skills and your dialectic in public esteem. Remember: "if you can not, then you have to!" If you're interested in more information on Yes! Group and how to start one, Download the document here as a result.

general organization and coordination: Silvia Minguzzi
For info

Monday, January 14, 2008

Yellow Mucus At 9 Weeks

Anthony Robbins here is my story ..

Anthony Robbins has been, is and will be, crucial to my life. amazing how a book can forge so much a person's life ....
" Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what can happen " and it is true.

Before July 2000 I was a happy little person, I had just gone away from home and wanted to get away from it all. I thought change of scenery that I could be useful ... The days went slow and the days ended with the same calmness with which it began. Then one day everything cambiò.Avevo bought a book, one of many, I never thought of reading a book of 350 pg because I had never before finished reading a book.

But ... But I have finished reading and I read other 10 times, memorizing the steps. And as I read it put into practice every day what I had learned.

It 's amazing to say, my life changed. My friends have changed. E 'tutto.Nel changed a few months I came into a positive spiral indescribable. I became ordained. I started reading a lot libri.Avevo found a girl who loved me in a way that I never thought you could love. realizzarsi.In dreams seem all that time I said "It is as if I Aladdin's lamp."

Since then, with ups and downs, my life took a completely different color, different luceUn'altra vita.Ed is why, along with other friends, we thought it necessary to return to the Anthony Robbins 'love, passion and warmth that has left us with his words, creating a fan's club. God Bless you Tony Robbins