"A further contribution - said the Councillor for Environment and Heritage Ernesto Valiante - which aims to educate and sensitize the citizens to allow the final launch of the proper disposal of waste, at a structural crisis for the entire Campania Region '.
The goal, as illustrated by the leader of Sector VI Environment and Heritage "and the engineer Francesco Arcella Salvatore Passaro - President of the subsidiary City Hall - is to achieve by the end of the new year, 50% to definitively overcome the emergency and protect the environment in which we live, with the valuable and effective collaboration of schools, which will open soon doors to education courses for the students of primary and secondary schools.
The new brochure, whose distribution has already begun throughout the city, explains in detail how to handle the collection, what to include and what not to include when and where.
a revised edition, which adds - than the old guide -, the latest services offered to users by Casoria Environment.
Mayor Stephen Ferrara, in the final bars, greeted with much welcome the initiative: "We must not forget - said the mayor - that the company Casoria Ambiente SpA has started to climb the slope from 2008.
E 'only since 2008, in fact, that the company is closing its budget surplus, this also thanks to all of its employees, who have realized the need to turn the page, to work with commitment and dedication to achieving compelling goals. I also thank - said Ferrara, the three charities of Civil Protection (Eagles, Folgore and Tricolor), which, on a voluntary basis, are providing a very valuable contribution, marrying in toto the administration's commitment to offer future generations a better quality of life. "
At this point requires the commitment of all citizens!
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