On January 26, 2011 , met the group of the PDL Board which, After a brief organizational, which led to the reaffirmation of the leader Anthony Perna and the appointment of two deputy leaders and Manlio Mele Orlando Esposito, discussed the policy document finalized a few days ago by the leader of the UDC Board.
Against this document, the band council has decided to delegate the Mayor and the leader Anthony Perna a meeting with a delegation from UDC to understand the real reasons that led to the need for such a political document.
The group PDL Board, in a granite, has confirmed its willingness to continue in the ceaseless action of government.
After extensive discussion, those present considered it appropriate that the Mayor ribadisse, for the umpteenth time, the composition of the government majority, clear the field from any possible mistake or misunderstanding.
In response to this request, the Mayor reiterated that the current majority government is composed not only of historical allies of the government represented UDC, even those political parties that at the regional and provincial governments are part of their institutional New MPA and PSI.
The PDL group, at the conclusion of reiterated its willingness to continue with the UDC and other political forces in local government experience in the current government, confirming the determination to overcome any misunderstandings policies may be born with the UDC party.
Group Board PDL
The Parent
Antonio Perna ; ; ; ;
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