good very good very good news. After in November, following the selection of Roberto Billi to leave the group, it was announced the dissolution of the Rats of Sabina, is yesterday's news that the rest of the Rats (Stefano Fiore, Eugenio Lupi, Alessandro Monzi , Paolo Masci, Alberto Ricci, Valerio Manelfi, Carlo Ferretti) has launched a new project together, Area765 . This the release of good news!

This is' the new name we have chosen to continue our journey.
A path that has deep roots, 14 years of sailing aboard a ship called the Sabina Ratti.
The ship, after thriving ntura incredible, and 'returning from the sea, but by the same waters and another ship' already 'ready for a trip to do everything.
will bring with us many of the things seen and collected on routes traveled, while others leave the back, preserving forever the goddess and colors.
We are about to leave ... emotions and if you try it'll give some to you, will 'for us the most reward' great!
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