Shame on the western Libya
behavior that we held, as the West in general, to Libya arose was absolutely disgraceful.
With the sudden emergence of the uprising three weeks ago, the insurgents had a chance to win instant, with the insurgency chain in many cities, until the fighting in Tripoli, and the defection of the army. Failure, however, the shoulder, it was inevitable that with the stabilization of the organizational skills and a clear military superiority of Gaddafi would have quickly turned the tables, preparing to crush in a short time, as it is about to happen, the insurgency.
The Western world first has staked everything on fire and blowing too of the revolt, but when, at the time of deadlock between the forces involved, it was time to move specifically to help by preventing the government or by placing counter the insurgents to maintain the position against an organized army, big words, excommunication of the scheme the person who until recently was also talking to Gheddadfi slavishly in tents, even threats of direct intervention, as they came from France, but the evidence shows that no one has decided to move, the decision on a possible no-fly zones or resolutions of 'UN had to be postponed until a later date, and now we will meet soon in even more shit, the whole of Libya in the grip of repression, and our foreign policy even more rubbish.
Meanwhile, remove the story, that the tragedy in Japan came just in time for us to distract us.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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Casoria - Day day of March 14, 2011 at PDL Committee for Stephen Ferrara met leaders of political parties PDL, MPA, Christian Reformists, DC Alliance of the People, UDEUR, New PSI, League and Italy have formed a committee for the formation of the Program, the first major political act to address the forthcoming local elections.
Stefano Ferrara expresses its satisfaction for the entire PDL and the coalition parties have welcomed his invitation and, consequently, a spirit of unity began the path that will lead to an extension of the grounds of the center-right city.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
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No, Giovanardi no! Pathos.
Oh no! Even lu pore Giovanardi says he wants to leave the government because they have not done anything but cut off funds for the support of family policies.
Eh. So 'always the best that they leave. Or rather, that threaten to do so.
The Prestigiacomo, Carfagna, Bondi, mo 'Giovanardi.
Although objectively the pathos of Bondi "I failed, I hope that my successors succeed where I failed," and after having sought the understanding of PD at the time of no-confidence motion, in the name of the old communist militancy, has no equal.
Oh no! Even lu pore Giovanardi says he wants to leave the government because they have not done anything but cut off funds for the support of family policies.
Eh. So 'always the best that they leave. Or rather, that threaten to do so.
The Prestigiacomo, Carfagna, Bondi, mo 'Giovanardi.
Although objectively the pathos of Bondi "I failed, I hope that my successors succeed where I failed," and after having sought the understanding of PD at the time of no-confidence motion, in the name of the old communist militancy, has no equal.
Monday, March 14, 2011
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On 09/03/2011 at 19.00 came together at the headquarters of the Committee for PDL
Stefano Ferrara "in Piazza Trieste e Trento n. 9, Mr. Capparrone Marco, Pietro Iodice and Notaro
Giuseppe (PDL), Mauro Cozzolino Gennaro and Ferrara (MPA); Canzanella Gary and Della Vittoria Scarpati
Michael (Christian Reformed); Anna Bergamasco (DC), Antonio Ricca
(Folk Alliance), and Zaccone Umberto Pasquale Franzese (UDEUR), Antonio Pugliese (New
PSI), immortalized Gennaro (Italian League). The first intervention was to Peter Iodice, after submission of the party representatives present, introduced the subject on the agenda: the establishment of the program's governing center-right for the next consiliatura be submitted to the citizens in the coming elections of 15-16 May 2011.
UDEUR representatives say they appreciate and share the initiative taken by Stefano Ferrara, take note that today's meeting is the beginning of a path to reach a shared programmatic political platform and ensure the commitment of 'UDEUR the territory of Casoria, formulation of the program and a list that will support the mayoral candidate of the center-right.
Joseph Notaro of the PDL suggests, building on the government already undertaken by 'outgoing administration, to innovate the administrative program submitted by the center-right in 2008 by implementing the new laws have occurred, referring to the reform Brunetta. Suggests that the program should clearly indicate which strategic objective, technological innovation entity with a smooth and efficient development of youth policies.
Cozzolino Gennaro spoke of 'MPA, who argues that we must inform the public about what really happened and to clarify the reasons for emphasizing good governance of the center-right, to go forward with firmness in the next 5 years.
Antonio Pugliese for the New PSI argues that one must start from the 2008 program, which allowed Stefano Ferrara to win the recent municipal elections, to take stock of the situation claiming the many accomplishments and indicating the program points that were well on track and not administrative are reached for the sudden and untimely interruption of consiliatura. Which indicates the priority objectives of the revitalization program of the suburbs, which had begun to get some positive changes, the old problem of brownfield sites, and suggests a set list of projects completed in time for a consiliatura to improve the quality of life citizens. He suggests planning a regional conference on the new legislation on the plane home, so informing citizens about the opportunities that flow from it by involving professionals and entrepreneurs interested.
Mauro Ferrara 's claims that the MPA program must set out the ways to raise
the city's economy to respond to the many unemployed youth in the city. Shares
Pugliese's intervention and the opportunity to realize the proposed conference.
Anna Bergamasco DC suggests using a simple communication aimed at the person to bring home to people what really happened, they highlight the merits Mayor Ferrara and his administration, one for all the resolution of the story of CPR3. Agrees that the program should affect the daily lives of people pointing to a series of small things to fix in a short time, which perhaps are those which concern the lives of citizens.
Michele Della Vittoria Scarpati for Christian Reformists, after declaring that he appreciated the initiative today wanted by Stephen Ferrara and the quality and content of some of its predecessors, the program suggests to imprint on three main objectives: to work groups and young people, thereby doing an ethical sense of life from which the families have moved away in recent years. Declares that the Christian Reformists are part of the PDL failing policy in order to recover the ethical values \u200b\u200bof the political tradition of the Christian Democrats. Indicate which problems to solve than the inland transport, traffic and parking as well as improving the quality of care for the poor, the elderly and disadvantaged.
Ricciardi Antonio for the Alliance of the People strengthens the indication already emerged regarding the need to implement the transportation within the city with the creation of links between center and periphery, and in particular the village of Arpino. Indicate which priority area of \u200b\u200bprogram enhancement of cultural and religious heritage of our city to develop an economic cycle tied to religious tourism, highlighting the important objective achieved by Ferrara for the realization of the so-called "egg commercial, very important for the revitalization of the city and the positive effects on employment that it will fall. Indicates the need for the next administration to have more attention to the world of sport, which Casoria has a strong and independent dynamics, which can be improved by the intervention of the City, should intervene to provide adequate space for free and supports all necessary.
Capparrone Marco recalls that of the PDL 's outgoing City Council had prepared a new plan urban traffic and parking plan, which would be put into operation soon. Appreciates the sense of the meeting, all agreed that sees the aim of advancing and update the program administration in 2008 claiming the positive experience of the center-right government in the past three years. It suggests that you convene a further meeting with the indication, by any party, a technical manager who is part. Peter Iodice PDLriprende of the word by highlighting the unanimous desire of those present to defend and revive the political and administrative experience of the center-right administration in the two years of Ferrara.
Gennaro Eternal League Italy says it will present its list to support the center-right alliance. It shares the view expressed at the meeting and asked for a copy of the administrative program of 2008.
These claim that Stephen Ferrara send via e-mail a copy of the administrative
of 2008, all the components present in order to be able to study within the parties to bring a contribution in the next meeting, scheduled for Monday, March 14, 2011 at 19:00 at the same venue.
Stefano Ferrara
Images Engagement Wishes For A Friend
on nuclear power is that it has never had an opinion a priori hostile, that talk of greater energy self-sufficiency and the fact that, however, all around central Italy are the many arguments are serious, and touches to recognize that sometimes the discussion was continued and is still leading a fairly irrational. And the mess that is happening in Japan, it's up to say that an earthquake of such power and especially the tsunami that followed events are absolutely exceptional and rarely replicated, and saw what happened is now gone for good too Fukushima.
But then, as one can open-minded and willing, that the nuclear option always entails some serious risks and associated problems, there is no doubt unavoidable, as in Italy would all difficulties.
think hard before embarking on the boat Atomic happily, in the light of what is happening, is doverosissimo, and get a little 'especially people like the "environment minister" Prestigiacomo, that these objections would be a " macabre speculation implemented in Italy by anti-nuclear. "
on nuclear power is that it has never had an opinion a priori hostile, that talk of greater energy self-sufficiency and the fact that, however, all around central Italy are the many arguments are serious, and touches to recognize that sometimes the discussion was continued and is still leading a fairly irrational. And the mess that is happening in Japan, it's up to say that an earthquake of such power and especially the tsunami that followed events are absolutely exceptional and rarely replicated, and saw what happened is now gone for good too Fukushima.
But then, as one can open-minded and willing, that the nuclear option always entails some serious risks and associated problems, there is no doubt unavoidable, as in Italy would all difficulties.
think hard before embarking on the boat Atomic happily, in the light of what is happening, is doverosissimo, and get a little 'especially people like the "environment minister" Prestigiacomo, that these objections would be a " macabre speculation implemented in Italy by anti-nuclear. "
Sunday, March 13, 2011
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Sunday sports for dummies
To the beauty of the legal profession.
At the Garden for a conference not to challenge art. 115 cpc, cross Ivan Basso, also receive a half-smile on his part, and realize who it was too late. But enjoy the mechanics of Liquigas and Cervélo, teams staying at the hotel to the stage Terni Narni / Chieti the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Sea, to work on bikes.
a Sport: back after a long time, so many disappointments and so many games not seen that there were times in the house of Mari, to make a sign of rugby, for the overwhelming victory of 22 to 21 hours on Italy France, Flaminio!
[in the photo, the great Vincenzino Nibali]
To the beauty of the legal profession.
At the Garden for a conference not to challenge art. 115 cpc, cross Ivan Basso, also receive a half-smile on his part, and realize who it was too late. But enjoy the mechanics of Liquigas and Cervélo, teams staying at the hotel to the stage Terni Narni / Chieti the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Sea, to work on bikes.
a Sport: back after a long time, so many disappointments and so many games not seen that there were times in the house of Mari, to make a sign of rugby, for the overwhelming victory of 22 to 21 hours on Italy France, Flaminio!
[in the photo, the great Vincenzino Nibali]

Friday, March 11, 2011
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One of the most idiotic things that we carry, in the Italian left is some anti-imperialism and anti-Americanism of begging, so whenever that happens some movement in the world if the U.S. case for just the look not with hostility, then something automatically becomes a servant of U.S. interests, to oppose.
The case of Libya is a prime example. Just because long-Gaddafi and the U.S. has been bitterly rival, the Libyan dictator becomes a bulwark against the Empire, and today someone is drunk bales of pseudo-socialism of the Green Paper. And when, quite by accident, started a revolt of the people, of course still chaotic and confused, rather than place it is going to make thousands of distinction, but how did the weapons that have both, why not Saudi Libya, the Libya which has the highest per capita income of North Africa etc. And given that the U.S. show sympathy for the rebels, hell broke loose: instead of being happy that does not support the strong man of the moment (like they did in the area for decades in Egypt), the revolt became a Libyan plot imperialist and forgetting the last 20 years of Kadhafi regime, this becomes a novel of 2011, Fidel.
In this sense, he wrote very well the other day on the Ross Rossanda Manifesto.
should quit for the blinders of American imperialist plot always, that the risk of obscuring the vision and analysis that should be left to its own being, and remain without a voice close to the support of undemocratic regimes and yet another "humanitarian wars".
Thursday, March 10, 2011
How Did God Make Hair
Anti-Americanism by rats a. .. Area765!
good very good very good news. After in November, following the selection of Roberto Billi to leave the group, it was announced the dissolution of the Rats of Sabina, is yesterday's news that the rest of the Rats (Stefano Fiore, Eugenio Lupi, Alessandro Monzi , Paolo Masci, Alberto Ricci, Valerio Manelfi, Carlo Ferretti) has launched a new project together, Area765 . This the release of good news!
good very good very good news. After in November, following the selection of Roberto Billi to leave the group, it was announced the dissolution of the Rats of Sabina, is yesterday's news that the rest of the Rats (Stefano Fiore, Eugenio Lupi, Alessandro Monzi , Paolo Masci, Alberto Ricci, Valerio Manelfi, Carlo Ferretti) has launched a new project together, Area765 . This the release of good news!

This is' the new name we have chosen to continue our journey.
A path that has deep roots, 14 years of sailing aboard a ship called the Sabina Ratti.
The ship, after thriving ntura incredible, and 'returning from the sea, but by the same waters and another ship' already 'ready for a trip to do everything.
will bring with us many of the things seen and collected on routes traveled, while others leave the back, preserving forever the goddess and colors.
We are about to leave ... emotions and if you try it'll give some to you, will 'for us the most reward' great!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Charriol In Philippines
Revisionism for Dummies
interesting historiographical thesis found on facebook: among the many merits of Mussolini, is to have allied with Hitler, because doing so has saved Italy from the German conquest. Mah
interesting historiographical thesis found on facebook: among the many merits of Mussolini, is to have allied with Hitler, because doing so has saved Italy from the German conquest. Mah
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Good Date For Griha Pravesh In 2010
If not now, when? (At the outset carnevalis)
Today we celebrate the Feast of misogyny!
Today we celebrate the Feast of misogyny!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Going Straight Salon Prices
A beautiful sunny morning of March - Thoughts
The flavor of hops in the morning.
The founding a sect of esoteric socialism.
The flavor of hops in the morning.
The founding a sect of esoteric socialism.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Brands Of Depilatories For Pubic Area
If it begins with "Come on, come to the meeting on the Ten Commandments," and if it ends at 25 years Spigno the wheelchair with a ring on his finger.
If it begins with "Come on, come to the meeting on the Ten Commandments," and if it ends at 25 years Spigno the wheelchair with a ring on his finger.
Friday, March 4, 2011
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Musical Spring
Caparezza, Van De Sfroos, Folkearth, and crossing his fingers after the disappointment of "free wave", Modena City Ramblers ... All with a new record coming out. Daje co '' is spring!
Caparezza, Van De Sfroos, Folkearth, and crossing his fingers after the disappointment of "free wave", Modena City Ramblers ... All with a new record coming out. Daje co '' is spring!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Brent Everett 下載
Pseudo general strike
general strike proclaimed by the CGIL.
of 4 hours, 6 May, in two months.
better than nothing. And, better late than never.
But damn it, a little 'more than courage. A general strike for four hours, two months from now, is useless. E 'in practice almost like not to, straining an instrument of struggle that is necessary and useful to try to shake out and the Empire and the degradation of political, economic and social environment in which we find ourselves.
general strike proclaimed by the CGIL.
of 4 hours, 6 May, in two months.
better than nothing. And, better late than never.
But damn it, a little 'more than courage. A general strike for four hours, two months from now, is useless. E 'in practice almost like not to, straining an instrument of struggle that is necessary and useful to try to shake out and the Empire and the degradation of political, economic and social environment in which we find ourselves.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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The risk of self-indignation of "civil society"
Within a month, a manifestation of freedom and justice, then the defense of the dignity of women, mo 'coming to the Constitution and for the public school, and before that for months now, outrage and expressions of civil society in almost every month, with the inevitable photos sent by readers and Zagrebelsky rite.
Cause all absolutely right, and always good to have mobility.
But when the time comes that you decide to give it a full political content to the protests? That, to continue in this way, the outrage of civil society is increasingly something extremely self-referential.
Within a month, a manifestation of freedom and justice, then the defense of the dignity of women, mo 'coming to the Constitution and for the public school, and before that for months now, outrage and expressions of civil society in almost every month, with the inevitable photos sent by readers and Zagrebelsky rite.
Cause all absolutely right, and always good to have mobility.
But when the time comes that you decide to give it a full political content to the protests? That, to continue in this way, the outrage of civil society is increasingly something extremely self-referential.
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antrologica Comparison between beats and callaro
Interesting article Photo cutting anthropological, a series of snapshots taken after a glass of vodka.
addition to an obvious better performance of the male gender, careful examination of the material if it relies on the superiority of the anthropological general strikes (photo 5) on callaro (photo 1).
Interesting article Photo cutting anthropological, a series of snapshots taken after a glass of vodka.
addition to an obvious better performance of the male gender, careful examination of the material if it relies on the superiority of the anthropological general strikes (photo 5) on callaro (photo 1).
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