After the interview Former Senator Tommaso Casillo, published in the pages of Casoria 2 - Sunday, January 23, 2011 - titled " Tommaso Casillo: truth " we give the floor to the Mayor.
Mr. Mayor, Casillo said that there would be a promoter of "operation truth" by organizing a public debate to disprove the lies of the Mayor. She did not participate.
What can you tell us about it. As stated in the same Casillo, then she escapes to compare?
is good to clarify some things: the meeting held January 31 and of which I was supposed to be a liar to deny, I had cognizance only through posters around town. I have not been informed either by the organizers, nor officially invited. Escapes me, therefore, the sense of serious and in good faith.
But the former senator Casillo is the leader of the API.
This is what has been learned from the pages of Casoria 2: I have received on official documents. Casillo was former senator, former undersecretary for infrastructure, a former vice-president of the Regional Council, former president of the SIA, a former regional minister, a former city councilor. Includes a set of tasks now outdated - and I do not seem to have brought the city a value added - but they are always comfortable if necessary to justify a bogus concern for rising to the city-keeper of truth-when in fact represent the latest attempt to return to local politics, apparently for purely personal reasons.
The same has voluntarily decided to resign from the office of city councilor lost - in fact - the opportunity to face every day by the council as head of the opposition benches dell'assise cheating, so the mandate entrusted to him by his constituents.
beyond our ex in the last serious comparison with yours, its truths have been soundly refuted by the voters who preferred to finally change.
Casillo accusation that his administration is full of flaws. The institution that the center-left would leave healthy, is in a state of inefficiency, due to irresponsible use of resources .
We simplistic another attempt to discredit this administration.
I remember a few months since I took office we faced the seizure of almost € 53 million due to the dispute with the Consortium CPR 3 ", the construction company that in the years 1984 to 1990 he performed in" Arpino "a intervention to post-earthquake reconstruction with the construction of 452 housing. Well, the poor management of the litigation, exclusively due to previous administrations in the absolute benevolence Casillo fears, the city has thrown the specter of financial collapse with disastrous consequences for the administrative life of the institution. In a timely fashion, this administration has acted by putting in place all the necessary strategies to resolve, in a very short time, the ugly story - do not fail to mention that it had to correct a past setting highly questionable in point of fact and law - managed to delete almost a debt which was fully defined, enforceable and collectible. And I say more: administrations have left us spent the mess called CO.MA.PRE, PARK Bontempi, CASORIA ENVIRONMENT SpA, heritage in general, contracts for rental costs that this administration is resolving, eliminating debt and reducing the effects of mismanagement that we have inherited. With this budget, thanks to the work of restoration carried out in these two years, will provide investment and projects for expenditure of more than 10 million €. With the approval of the 2010 report, the City of Casoria will no longer be structurally deficient and will comply with the Stability Pact in 2010.
and public works? Casillo says that his administration does not put projects in the pipeline ...
Recently, the City Council approved the more Europe, which contains designs of public works for 35 million euro for the regeneration of the city. Casillo if you want the truth ask the Secretary of his party, Enzo Amato, a former leading official of Public Works, now retired, who will tell you - except for some maintenance and delivery of some schools as the "Palisades" Duke Street 'Aosta and the "Bellini" (works for the state disputed the presence of hidden defects) - casilliana era lasted almost 15 years, no work has been completed, with the departure of most of the funding public acquired for public works ever realizzate.A regard, it would be useful to compare this to happen ...
What then put in the works?
We have unlocked the merit of the work that TAV had to carry on making a new territory via Boccaccio, the pedestrian and vehicular bridge in the "Three Lights", the remake of Piazza Dante, the underpass of the "neighborhood star" inexplicably, they were firm in 1995. Remember, too, opening the artery that connects via Chestnut and Park Bofi, rehabilitation of infrastructure works that have primary and secondary affected both the historic city center that the peripheral arteries, the water network Arpino serving approximately 3,500 families. Were then completed work on finishing Palacasoria Via Michelangelo, and a series of projects where the concrete is visible to everyone.
consiliatura Over the next 3 years we will be able to deliver the works we have designed and for which we have obtained funding.
And expenses happy? The result of a lack of development and severity of which I accused Casillo? Casillo's statement and the campaign of disinformation from the left, alone explains the lack of opposition arguments. The lights are installed in all cities, and no opposition is allowed to challenge them, as well as institutional information gained during the Christmas season is always an activity performed by government without raising scandal. With regard to budgetary discipline, Casillo and the center-left can not give lessons to anyone given the enormity of debts left ... other than plain street!
Casillo said that is not interested in the Municipal Library. What do you think?
I think it's true. When Casillo pulling the threads of previous administrations, the V sector "dominated" by his representatives, has closed the library open by the Campania Region, in 1987, losing a wealth of books about 3,500 texts, even today, no one knows what happened to. The offense is not open to citizens of the local library but the vandal actions against the culture implemented in previous years in Casillo is directly politically accountable. For those who read it helpful if I tell that to date the public library - born just a few months - is open every day - in the afternoon (from 15 to 18) on Tuesday and Wednesday, and that the assets have already almost all had more than 1,800 books donated. The library, we remember our former, now represents the first place for excellence and cultural enrichment of the debate in the city of Casoria.
Mr. Mayor, with the conference entitled "The lies of Mayor Ferrara Casillo made the dress rehearsal of the third pole, indeed, as he defines it, the New Polo.
Casillo taking advantage of national policies that they see the construction of a third pole built by API, UDC, FLI - and with the complicity of unexpected F. Police and S. D'Anna - is trying to recycle politically-under the guise of the Central Campus of the Pact for Progress Casoria rejected by a dissolution and infiltration Camorra by the voters.
Casillo knows the political weakness of his plan, if still says that Ferrara was the case for Mayor, because he would win against anyone, is telling the truth. And I add, happily! Citizens casoriani with the local elections of 2008 demonstrated to call a halt to a regime which for years has depleted material wealth and human resources of our territory.
Mayor, you talk about early elections. What can you tell us about it?
evolution has certainly a reflection of national policy, in this case negative, on local government, giving dignity to the old policy "badly belly "of those who are nostalgic for questionable management methods and that this administration does not intend to go. The position of the UDC is an important junction in the political scene. We are confident about the work and the strength of electoral politics that the center-right will put in place soon, and if there be a need. The PDL and its allies, responsibly, continues its work to give his city a healthy government, serious and effective compliance with the terms of the natural expiration consiliatura.
And if we told lies, they will be people to try it. Exclusively to them is put the power to judge the political class that represents them. Keep him in mind our former