Sabine villagers in procession with the metal workers, with temporary workers, the unemployed, migrants, students, the No Tav, the No Bridge, the committees, movements, partisans grandparents, mothers against the incinerator, the father against the dump, the badly dressed children ... With the people who did not resign and rebel!
For a work that respects the dignity of people and the earth, human and environmental exploitation, by the end of a system based on profit, social inequality and the plundering of natural resources.
And if you think too much, we feel that the Lion says:
"I just wanted to say that the ideas that have enormous consequences are simple ideas. And my idea is this: if people are nasty all of them connected to each other and just because they are a force, then honest people who just do them as well. It's that simple. "
Lev Tolstoy - Epilogue, I XVI
Greetings from Contado Mentalmeccanico Sabino
Greetings from Contado Mentalmeccanico Sabino
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