chaos reigns in Italy building, because it promotes urban development in all small towns, rather than just in major cities and along the channels where traffic flows more quickly and simply. What we need to gradually demolish the small towns, turning them into parks. A more aggregated ways forward, both the city as a business. Since you can not stop population growth, requires continuous reorganization and renewal, in order to continually create new spaces. Young people can not live in the city and work in companies that operate according to old patterns, that is, living traditions. In Italy there is a chaotic fragmentation of agricultural property. This fragmentation is the result of agrarian reform took place in the '50s, which aimed to "give the land to cultivate."
currently build in the countryside is only available to farmers. If this limitation wanted to counter the illegal construction, in fact, exploiting the numerous loopholes in the law and the controls, resulted in a development information of the city. In the same way that is chaotic urbanization, to the same extent it is the agricultural use of land and this is not conducive to economic development, which begins with the improvement and development of agriculture.
urban centers, which expand from the agricultural ones, followed by a chaotic order, as is the chaotic way in which land ownership was divided, entrusted to the farmers, but in doing so by blocking its mechanization and industrialization.
The chaotic urbanization of the territory and the chaotic development of farms and causing poor growth, as it does not allow the mechanization and does not allow the development of industry, because - it is necessary to repeat this - the industry's fortunes are the result of a those of agriculture, which is actually the leading sector and fundamental for economic development as agriculture influence, therefore all other sectors, including urban development.
The division of agricultural land in the particles because it is horribly chaotic events following the agricultural use, so we have a large number of land from the more irregular shape, even very small or inaccessible because of internal surface.
Why is it allowed to build in the countryside only to a farmer? Who lives in the country is still a farmer? can not happen that this property is derived from a purchase, or activity conducted by their precessori, but without farmers? Who lives in the country while having the obligation to cultivate the land on which he lives, there are innovative legislation, which always possible to make the marketing of agricultural crops, as well as obliging the owner of land, to cultivate the land on which he lives as a farmer or directly or indirectly, entrusting that task to others, and I refer in particular to workers' organizations managed by public bodies.
In the past, when agriculture was the main productive sector, there arose the problem of unemployment, because agriculture has a production limit, in fact, in the past, farmers were prolific, having many children because it meant having many arms -more work. Agriculture, however, requires mechanization, and an unemployed person must get necessarily employed by an already trained and productive, and have professional training.
Someone will object that there is no need to increase agricultural production. I believe that better organization of the agricultural sector means economic stability and greater certainty for the future, could be reduced when the raw materials from which today has its source industrialization. The problem is not to produce too much, but what is produced, that is to choose food products that are not perishable, so you should try harder to find solutions to transform them and make them last longer. For example, when a few years ago there was overproduction of milk, and throw away, why was not expected to produce more dairy products? because while there is someone who thinks the poor and underdeveloped countries of the Third World are in need of economic aid, but which translate into cancellation of foreign debt. Someone objected
- that if it was easy to build in the country, all you build a house, consuming all the rest with and transforming it into a large suburban.
- that the abandonment of agriculture depends on whether the income is poor and not by the lack of buildings,
- that there are already so many abandoned farm houses or converted houses for Sunday.
I think the land should always be used, in whole and in the best way, so What better way to turn it into a large suburban, rather than allowing it to be eventually built by people who follow a chaotic pattern of development, as is currently the case!
In order to combat the illegal is if anything more right to restrict the possession of more dwellings. To protect the natural environment would be enough free space currently occupied by roads and buildings unnecessary. Living in the countryside should be encouraged, because agriculture is a priority economic sector, especially in regions where unemployment increases.
The state should expropriate property, buy and sell continuously regenerated after the businesses run by people that do not produce enough.
Against excessive urbanization need new rules.
- Building a new house could go at once to the demolition of another building of equal area
- You can not hold more than one house, and over Tot sqm
- Only the state can give in a rental property, "because when no one will rent houses, the building is very demotivating Surplus
- The state plans to build whatever you want and know where to
- on agricultural land can be built only the second rural development-type projects and templates, surrounded only by
agricultural plants and ornamental plants
- The state has ownership of agricultural land and leases only to those who cultivate it, so can prevent you possess wasteland.
- there are too common. It should allow urban development only of the larger cities, and to discourage of all the smaller towns, for example less than 50 thousand inhabitants. The powerful presence of many municipalities, too small, causing a disorderly urbanization as such also causes a massive administrative bureaucracy.
- urbanized land are not only those is built on a house, but even those occupied by roads, pavements of all types, fencing walls. When making the roads, and if they build a lot, never demolish any, the State did not present any problem of urbanization, but they are just roads, streets, pavements incidental to steal as much land for agriculture.
Someone will object that these are rules to be communist state, because it is the state to build or at least to design anything that can be built. There are things that are not individuals but the state to gestiree. If only for a limited period of time, and then resell.
- Why in Italy, if you want to take up less urban space, not built taller?
- Why you want to keep at all costs and to contemplate the historic centers, and live thanks to tourism, instead of a park, and instead contemplate the beauty of modern? All buildings that are longer than 50 years may consider beauty to be preserved forever, so it must not be allowed to rebuild or renovate a building, but you have to build entirely new areas, while those on which there was a building, must be devoted to urban green spaces, parks, because if you have to build something modern, it must be done together with the road network and all other infrastructure.
road and urban development has to follow only the horizontal and vertical directions, compared to the reference meridian of Greenwich and that is parallel north-south and east-west. Even the agricultural land should be split along the same guidelines. Linear and orderly development of the roads would encourage the use of public transport, it would also help the railways to roads, power lines, aqueducts, and it would be even greater relationship with the natural environment. The traffic in this way not only reduce, but would be faster. The territory would be organized and divided into many rectangles of different sizes.
The streets should not be construed as a means to connect the existing cities, When, as they grow, the need for new roads, the road network becomes increasingly more dense and winding. They should be conceived as a means for the rational exploitation of territory, that cities must grow where they have been already made major
links. And if urban development followed the coastline, it would occupy territories that can not be exploited for agricultural purposes and, given the summer exodus to the sea, not only build houses for the winter and others just for the summer, building twice.
This is not to demolish everything that is old, we remember the past, but putting together the ancient and modern too close together, so we have old buildings inevitably overwhelmed by the smoke and dirt, surrounded by pollution because of the roads modern
street signs, trash cans, doodles on the walls, chewing gam-seeded onto every sidewalk, garbage in the streets because they are the center of city life. The contrast that comes from putting together buildings of historical epochs far, only generates disgust. So, in the care of older city centers, it is better to turn them into parks, demolishing buildings that are not part of the same historical period, and transforming the space on which it was demolished in small oases, green car! Closed to traffic, removing public offices and shops, so that no longer represent a "center" of the city, which will converge in the city life.
should have been built along the 45th parallel connecting Turin and Ferrara, along the 9 ° and 12 ° meridian between Rome and Berlin with a road straight and vertical, which makes little to the south along the Tyrrhenian coast south until you arrive in Sicily. In this way we would have some major road routes, with greater speed and simplicity in moving.
Cities should be developed along the major highways and rail links, linearly, rather than causing the continuous construction of new roads and road increasingly labyrinthine tangles, which forces people to use private transport instead of public ones. This would also involve the construction of roads to water systems, where the river channel to to carry water everywhere, to the arid regions, namely in below street, where also add lines for electrical cables, rather than fill the territory of lattice planes.
Making public works as planned, it also means to engage effectively unlimited, the unemployed, why go out and rebuilt gradually over time.
How do you bump up the shade of a house?
In our adversarial political-economic system, which should help in the capitalist accumulation of wealth, who has a lot of money but is more heavily taxed, as if it meant having lots of money to have stolen more. The
buying a property is burdened by taxes, in reality instead of hitting the big real estate as they wish, are recorded on the purchaser, steadily increasing the cost of a house. Among the many other contradictions, there is also the state, while it caused a progressive increase in the value of homes, spend money to build housing, or considers it useful to help those who bought his first house, as if, with these advantages, the value of properties were reduced.
In order to reduce the cost of building, we can simplify the buying and selling of property, removing it to estate agents and centralized in a public office such as the Land Registry, which would also be able to have full information on all properties for sale and under construction.
The design has costs that can be reduced by exploiting both the construction projects already implemented, either by design programmed only by the state. Currently, engineers and architects have earnings too easy.
In 1950 it was placed in order to overthrow the landowners, by dividing and distributing agricultural land, as you put the need to entrust the land to those who cultivate it, but in reality even in this over to someone else the agricultural property, and the task of cultivating it, is not a child abandonment. The agricultural property has been abandoned, entrusting it to a series of small owners, analyzed individually are no different from the old landowners. The farmers have abandoned the earth and they are all immigrants. It still allows the sharecropping or lease, that the earth belongs to those who do not cultivate it. The farm property was reduced to only unproductive small family firms. Agricultural land should belong to the State, be compacted, and divided more efficiently, along lines parallel and perpendicular to the reference Grenwich, directions along which all roads should be developed, and under them the underground channels for the distribution of water, electrical cables, and sewage systems. It was thus a vast nationwide network for distribution of river waters, which could arrive at the most arid areas, solving the problem of winter floods of the rivers that drained cederebbero their bed for cultivation purposes. The land can not belong to the State, sold and rented to farmers, until they have a benefit that is optimal management. In this way, farmers would not pay taxes in addition to affittto land. The State must not abandon to their own farmers, but to establish the direction of production of each plot, and then arrange for processing and sale of agricultural products. The economic development of a nation begins for agriculture, when in fact it is in excess, is a clear symptom of the inability and incapacity economic expansion, the solution is in increasing exports, although in poor countries, giving food, rather than write off debts (resulting from erroneous charges, such as military). The debts should never be canceled, because the underdeveloped countries have no right to political independence from richer nations. Only a state of economic and political dependence, can guarantee the preservation of peace is not eligible for a state of total autonomy. Freedom has its limits. All
sloping ground, so for example, along the mountain slopes along the sides of highways, railways or rivers, should not be abandoned lands, and then filled with weeds and garbage that will never be recovered, but should be implemented in steps, so that they can be viable, or even cultivated. The steps must be carried out preferably used because of rectangular wire mesh and irregular stone, in order to allow for the flow of water. An example of how it should be more fully exploited the land, are the rice terraces in the Chinese province of Yunnan. There should be a single square meter of land abandoned, occupied by weeds, trash, or used inappropriately. Rather than addressing the degreening of the Amazon, desertification in Africa, we do not think the way in which our region is exploited.
Squares, urban roads, you should plant trees. It dotrebbero grow useful plants, herbs or medicines, fruit trees such as chestnuts, walnuts, and even in pots, instead of so many stupid and monuments and fountains.
The streets are contaminated by bad behavior like throwing the filters of cigarettes, chewing gum, and all that is found to be thrown away without being able to have a litter box. I think people need to be educated to the care of public health, and ordered to clean up the streets.
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