Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Memory Access Violation C00000005

First blog entry ... Like I

"No one is born never made it all" goes an African proverb. In fact, according to a saying of the Bambara people of Mali, "Mom gave birth does not mean that Mom has done." After having given birth to his son, he begins the difficult task of education. Educate or perish, says Joseph Ki-Zerbo. E 'in terms that this raises the question about the future of world peace. From this point of view, education for the construction of a world in peace, historical reconciliation, truth, justice, security and solidarity must be the top priority of all men and women of good will but most of all who are interested in ideas that human beings develop in different corners of the planet Earth, as a response to the challenge of the triumph of life over death.
tackling the thorny problem of historical consciousness and the construction of the historic African Cheikh Anta Diop suggests that the systematic study of African problems is of paramount importance in order to dominate "a situation that requires a lot of human energy, a lot of intellectual lucidity, much creative thinking. (...) Our generation has no chances, if I may say, in the sense that it can not avoid the storm intellectual who wants it or not, it will be forced (...) to get rid of his spirit of intellectual and recipes for crumbs of thought, to engage resolutely in the only truly dialectical way of solving the problems that history requires. This implies a research activity, in the truest sense of the spirits bright and fertile, able to draw on effective solutions (...). It 's the historical juncture which requires our generation in a positive perspective to solve all the problems facing Africa. (...) If it will not succeed, will appear in the evolutionary history of our peoples as the generation of demarcation has not been able to ensure the survival of cultural, national the African continent: the political and intellectual blindness that have made a fatal mistake against our national future, it will be worthless generation par excellence, one that will not rise to the occasion. In fact, as noted by Fabien Eboussi Boulaga, the crucifixion of Africa and Africans today is essentially linked to the crisis of thought Muntu today. The Muntu fact, says Jean-Marc Ela, sent his thoughts on holiday, at a time of dramatic political juncture in its history and geopolitical world increasingly hostile to Africa and to Africans. The
out of this crisis in such a political situation and world geopolitics implies the courage to invent their own future or death, through the resumption of the street conscious and responsible of the scientific method. As at the time warned Cheikh Anta Diop, we have no choice but to "arm themselves to the teeth of science" if we want to find relevant answers to the problems facing Africa and the rest of the world. There is therefore no future for Africa without a massive investment in scientific research, as indeed shown by both Jean-Marc Ela is Paulin Hountondji is Théophile Obeng, to name a few. The most significant achievement of mankind today is precisely the scientific method. What Egypt Pharaonic called toe-heseb, namely <> to study the nature, make appropriate investigations and rigorous in nature. In short, the Pharaonic Egypt is the result of a scientific method applied systematically and consciously in the concrete life of every day. Tep-heseb Pharaonic Egypt, Ancient Greece has become logos and theoretical reason, discursive and experimental in Europe after Galileo Galilei becomes the logic of Descartes with clear and distinct ideas based on the deduction, starting from simple to more complex . In our day, the scientific method has opened vast horizons for the human spirit, both in terms of theoretical knowledge and practical applications concrete theory of certain purchases to improve human existence and thus to facilitate the triumph of life over death. The application then the scientific method is the most safe and suitable to ground the science and techniques in Africa. This is infinitely more than to be the bearer of the speech "demodeé" for technology transfer in research or choosing to live every time what is the best Lord and patron saint to whom to entrust their lives, their historical fate, giving in and delegating Thus his future to the "politics of container in turn produces the" politics of fire fighters. " Concepts, methods scientific, creative imagination, invention of the present and future international cooperation on major issues of the time that we live in the knowledge that there is no world without Africa and vice versa there is no Africa without the rest of the world etc.. here is what as in the past even today continues to be the subject of debate within the African intelligentsia and particularly among African philosophers. There is a rich philosophical and scientific production, an intense scientific and philosophical debate around the great challenges of Africa and of all humanity, the African continent that has as its main protagonists Africans themselves and that we want, in this site, to know and share with all who are interested in the fate of Africa, Africans, of humanity in general.
This site is therefore an area of \u200b\u200bdisclosure, awareness and discussion of ideas on what they write and say about individual African authors themselves, the challenges of the African continent, on the hopes of Africa and Africans in general and about the challenges of today's world in general. In short, the face of Pier Ferdinando Casini, also Baluba think, not only as a historical community but also individually el'hanno always done over the course of history even before the greek-roman civilization itself belongs Pier Ferdinando Casini. Now, beyond Casini - which for us is just the ultimate expression of an unfounded cliché on Africa and African blacks in general - there is in Italy, especially in academia, a culture deeply rooted in <> around this African authors who write about themselves and about the challenges facing Africa and the world confront today. In this way it has always given and continues to give students and the Italian public in general, the impression that in science, Africans have never thought beyond the poetry, art and literature. Now, because this attitude towards the closing of the scientific production and African intellectuals in Italy?
Well, are years that I try to understand this phenomenon, but I can not. So I count on your cooperation ... Fifito.


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